No. | Kode Unit | Unit Kompetensi | |
A. | Core and Generic Competencies | ||
1. | D1.HOT.CL1.01 | Bekerjasama secara efektif dengan kolega dan pelanggan | |
Work effectively with customers and colleagues | |||
2. | D1.HOT.CL1.02 | Bekerja dalam lingkungan social yang berbeda | |
Work in a socially diverse environment | |||
3. | D1.HOT.CL1.03 | Menerapkan prosedur kesehatan, keselamatan dan keamanan kerja | |
Implement occupational health and safety procedures | |||
4. | D1.HOT.CL1.05 | Melakukan prosedur administrasi | |
Perform clerical procedures | |||
5. | D1.HOT.CL1.06 | Mencari dan mendapatkan data computer | |
Access and retrieve computer-based data | |||
6. | D1.HOT.CL1.07 | Berkomunikasi secara efektif melalui telepon | |
Communicate effectively on the telephone | |||
7. | D1.HOT.CL1.08 | Memelihara pengetahuan industri perhotelan | |
Maintain hospitality industry knowledge | |||
8. | D1.HOT.CL1.10 | Mempromosikan produk dan jasa kepada pelanggan | |
Promote products and services to customers | |||
9. | D1.HOT.CL1.12 | Melakukan prosedur dasar pertolongan pertama | |
Perform basic First Aid procedures | |||
10. | D1.HOT.CL1.13 | Melaksanakan tugas perlindungan anak yang relevan dengan industri pariwisata | |
Perform child protection duties relevant to the tourism industry | |||
11. | D1.HSS.CL4.01 | Membangun dan memelihara tempat kerja yang aman | |
Establish and maintain a safe and secure workplace | |||
12. | D1.LAN.CL1.01 | Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat operasional dasar | |
Speak English at a basic operational level | |||
B. | Functional Competencies | ||
1. | D1.HOT.CL1.04 | Mengikuti prosedur tempat kerja | |
Comply with workplace hygiene procedures | |||
2. | D1.HGA.CL6.12 | Menggunakan alat bantu bisnis dan tehnologi | |
Use commone business tools and technology | |||
3. | D1.HOT.CL1.11 | Menangani dan menyelesaikan situasi konflik | |
Manage and resolve conflict situations | |||
4. | D1.HFO.CL2.03 | Menyediakan layanan penginapan | |
Provide accommodation services | |||
5. | D1.HFO.CL2.07 | Menyediakan layanan bell boy /porter | |
Provide Bell Boy / Porter services | |||
6. | D1.HFO.CL2.11 | Menyediakan informasi layanan hotel | |
Provide information about in-house services | |||
7. | D1.HSS.CL4.08 | Mengawal dan membawa barang barang berharga | |
Escort, carry and store valuable items | |||
8. | D1.HSS.CL4.09 | Menyediakan fasilitas penemuan barang | |
Provide a lost and found facility | |||
9. | D1.HSM.CL5.04 | Meningkatkan dan memperbaharui pengetahuan lokal | |
Develop and update local knowledge | |||
11. | D1.HFO.CL2.09 | Menerima dan menyambungkan telepon masuk | |
Receive and place in-coming phone calls | |||
12. | D1.HFO.CL2.10 | Memfasilitasi panggilan telepon keluar | |
Facilitate out-going phone calls |