No. | Kode Unit | Unit Kompetensi |
A. | Core and Generic Competencies | |
1. | D1.HRS.CL1.02 | Melaksanakan prosedur keselamatan makanan |
Apply standard safety procedures for handling foodstuffs | ||
2. | D1.HRS.CL1.03 | Membersihkan lokasi / area dan peralatan |
Clean and maintain kitchen equipment and utensils | ||
3. | D1.HRS.CL1.04 | Berkomunikasi secara efektif melalui telepon |
Communicate effectively on the telephone | ||
4. | D1.HRS.CL1.05 | Mengikuti prosedur kebersihan di tempat kerja |
Comply with workplace hygiene procedures | ||
5. | D1.HRS.CL1.07 | Menerapkan prosedur kesehatan, keselamatan dan keamanan kerja |
Implement occupational health and safety procedures | ||
6. | D1.HRS.CL1.08 | Mengembangkan dan memperbaharui pengetahuan tentang industri perhotelan |
Maintain hospitality industry knowledge | ||
7. | D1.HRS.CL1.11 | Melakukan prosedur administrasi |
Perform clerical procedures | ||
8. | D1.HRS.CL1.12 | Melakukan prosedur dasar pertolongan pertama |
Perform basic First Aid procedures | ||
9. | D1.HRS.CL1.14 | Membaca dan menerjemahkan instruksi dasar, arah dan atau diagram |
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams | ||
10. | D1.HRS.CL1.17 | Berkomunikasi secara lisan dalam Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat operasional dasar |
Speak English at a basic operational level | ||
11. | D1.HRS.CL1.18 | Bekerjasama secara efektif dengan kolega dan pelanggan |
Work effectively with colleagues and customers | ||
12. | D1.HRS.CL1.19 | Bekerja dalam lingkungan social yang berbeda |
Work in a socially diverse environment | ||
13. | D1.HRS.CL1.20 | Melakukan tugas perlindungan anak yang relevan dengan industri pariwisata |
Perform child protection duties relevant to the tourism industry | ||
14. | D1.HCC.CL2.01 | Menggunakan metode dasar memasak |
Apply basic techniques of commercial cookery | ||
15. | D1.HCC.CL2.11 | Menyiapkan dan menyimpan makanan secara aman dan higienis |
Prepare and store food in a safe and hygienic manner | ||
B. | Functional Competencies | |
1. | D1.HCC.CL2.03 | Mengidentifikasikan dan menyiapakan daging |
Identify and prepare various meats | ||
2. | D1.HCC.CL2.05 | Mempersiapkan pelayanan makanan |
Organise food service operations | ||
3. | D1.HCC.CL2.08 | Menyiapkan aneka sandwich |
Prepare a variety of sandwiches | ||
4. | D1.HCC.CL2.09 | Menyiapkan dan memasak unggas dan binatang buruan |
Prepare and cook poultry and game meats | ||
5. | D1.HCC.CL2.10 | Menyiapkan dan memasak seafood |
Prepare and cook seafood | ||
6. | D1.HCC.CL2.12 | Menyiapkan appetizer dan salad |
Prepare appetizers and salads | ||
7. | D1.HCC.CL2.16 | Menyiapkan sup |
Prepare soups | ||
8. | D1.HCC.CL2.17 | Menyiapkan kaldu dan saus |
Prepare stock and sauces |